Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rome's conceptual beauty

Geography of wickedness displaces wikid demographics of geographical premierings, architects broadcasting the strut of a princess's prance, walking distances of dancing wisdoms in life's living philosophic philosophy. Question the caress of a Philosopher's soft words to create the sucductive wizardry become the sourcer of words cast spells in world's of working wizards. Provocative devouring of devine harmony in wizardry seeking the words in a world of wisdom. Isolate the recurring beauty of mythological proportions, secure the galavanting imaginations of poets, unreleased persuasive poetry. Romantic of Echanting heart's, a knight's seductive love, preserves the tour of theatrical dramas mere single theory of a theoretical. Capitalize on mythitcal powers, walk the devine wizardry of wicked wizard's, wickedly persuasive poetry. Shear elegance of eight seductive silhouettes, shapes beauties of apologies to poetry's wickedness a wizard chants, casting words striking miracles,lighting words in poetry. Seduce orchards of ageless beauty, gader the wisdom's of theologies in past historical harmonies of conceptual writings, clinical words to poetry's eyes to see what is perceived, words of the poetic decives lifetimes provocative performance of prolific prophet's wisdom. Mistics courted, the fillings cures of worded cruses, chants of mythical proportions, express sheer wonder of life's elegance. Romeo's of persuasive wicked wizzitri, sheer eloquent therapeutics of romance, roams words pandering o poetry. Shear elegance of eight seductive silhouettes, shapes beauties of apologies to poetry's wickedness, a Wizard's chants casting words striking miracles, lighting words of sucductive passions. Seduce orchards of ageless beauties, gader the wisdoms of theologies in past historical harmonies, conceptual rhythms writing lines of clinical words of poetry's eyes to see what some perceive the words of poetic eyes decive, a lifetime of provocative performance of prolific prophet's wisdom. Mistics courted, the fillings cures of worded cruses, chants of mythical proportions, express sheer wonder of life's elegance. Romeo's of persuasive wicked wizzitri, sheer eloquent therapeutics of romance, roams words pandering prolific poetry. Question's of caresses a Philosopher's softer words to create a sucductive wizardry, becoming the sourcer of spoken words, casting spells in world's of working wizards. Romantic of Echanting heart's, a knight's seductive love, preserves the tour of theatrical dramas mere single thou thoughts to capitalize on mythitcal powers, walk the devine wizardry of wicked poetry. Romantic words persuasive of wizzitri of wikid poetry lights your minds chandelier of mystified philosophical worded philosophy. Question of theories orgasms of orchestrated beauty symptoms of musical worded symphonies playing persuasive harmonies of poetic melodies. Dance the sheer elegance of wonders in life's course of romantical rhythms of precived prancing praises of paraded poetry. Championed poet's of unleashed imaginations dreaming poetic poetry writing full cycle lines of crazy minds conceptual thoughts of persuasive personalities, chambers the loaded word with a philosophical silhouette of shadowed poetry. Seduce Sires's weakness with strength of wizardry seekings words in poetic poetry pose through the proposal of life. Suduce the mind of beauty in the bungalow of harmony, enthusiasm of baffling poetry in life's living heart's humanity's love. ☆U N I V € R S € ★ INT€R 》°O ₩ N S £ € F°《 CONN€T€D 

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